The 5 Best Exercises To Relieve Headaches Caused By Neck Pain


Neck pain is a common condition, affecting two out of three people at some point in their life. Neck pain often goes hand in hand with headaches, causing discomfort and disrupting daily life. However, there are a range of treatment options available for combating neck pain and headaches to alleviate symptoms, improve function, and prevent future occurrences.

Physiotherapy is a widely recognized and effective treatment option for neck pain and headaches. Physiotherapists use various techniques and strategies to address the underlying causes of the pain and promote healing, such as exercise. For anyone frequently experiencing headaches, especially those associated with neck pain, incorporating physio-led exercises can provide much-needed relief.

Keep reading to learn about the five best exercises for pain in the neck and headaches.


Symptoms Of Neck Pain And Headaches

Musculoskeletal issues like neck pain and related headaches can have many different symptoms, depending on the cause. Some of the symptoms may include:

  • Dull, sharp, or stabbing sensation in the neck and head area

  • Right sided or left sided headaches or neck pain

  • Pain that worsens with certain movements, such as turning the head

  • Intermittent or constant neck pain or headaches, commonly at the base of the spine 

  • Stiffness or muscle tension

  • Limited range of motion

  • Noticeable knots or “trigger points” in the affected muscles

Neck pain and headaches may also be accompanied by other symptoms such as dizziness, jaw pain, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), or visual disturbances. These “red flag” symptoms should be assessed by a doctor, especially for severe headaches and neck pain, or any unexplained symptoms.


Understanding Neck Pain-Related Headaches

As neck pain and headaches are closely linked, understanding their relationship is crucial in finding effective solutions. A physiotherapist should be involved to assess the various factors that contribute to neck pain and headaches, including muscle tension, postural issues, and underlying conditions. In this way, the physiotherapist can identify the root cause of the symptoms and design an exercise routine that is appropriate and tailored to address these issues.


The 5 Best Exercises for Relieving Neck Pain-Related Headaches

Exercise plays a pivotal role in relieving neck pain-related headaches. Before starting any exercise program, it is important to consider precautions and seek guidance from a healthcare professional such as a physiotherapist.

The five best exercises for relieving neck pain-related headaches that a physiotherapist may prescribe may include:


1. Neck Stretches

Neck stretches target the muscles in the neck and help alleviate tension, such chin tucks. Chin tucks are designed to improve range of motion for the back of the neck and ultimately provide headache relief. To complete this exercise:

Chin Tucks

  • Start by sitting upright in a chair with good posture

  • The physiotherapist may correct the posture to ensure things like the chin is relaxed, the shoulders are in line with the body, and that the breathing is normal.

  • Gently tuck the chin, as if starting a nod or “yes” motion with the head

  • Then, return to the starting position and repeat at the direction of the physiotherapist


2. Shoulder Strengthening

Strengthening the shoulder muscles can help support the neck and relieve pain, such as shoulder shrugs. Shoulder rows can help improve posture, reduce muscle imbalances, and decrease the likelihood of headaches caused by neck strain. To complete this exercise:

Shoulder Shrugs

  • Start by sitting upright in a chair with good posture

  • Slowly lift the shoulders up, then down, keeping the neck relaxed

  • Then, return to the starting position and repeat at the direction of the physiotherapist

  • To progress the exercise, shrug the shoulders in a backwards or forwards motion


3. Posture Correction

Poor posture is a common culprit behind right and left side neck pain and headaches. Specific exercises such as shoulder blade squeezes can help correct postural issues and alleviate the associated pain. To complete this exercise:

Shoulder Blade Squeezes

  • Start by sitting upright in a chair with good posture

  • Gently draw the shoulder blades towards each other as if squeezing them together.

  • Note, try not to protrude the neck forwards

  • Then, return to the starting position and repeat at the direction of the physiotherapist


4. Core Strengthening

Core muscles play a vital role in supporting the neck and spine. Engaging in exercises such as “dead bug” can help strengthen these muscles, improving stability and reducing the strain on the neck, ultimately relieving headaches. As this exercise requires proper technique to get the desired outcome, the physiotherapist should supervise and correct the movement to ensure it is performed correctly. To complete dead bugs:

Dead Bug
To see how to do this exercises in depth, read our full blog on the dead bug exercise

  • Start by lying down with the arms resting on the ground

  • Engage the core and draw the knees to 90 degrees

  • Avoid tension in the neck and maintain normal breathing

  • Gently lower one leg down, tapping the foot on the floor, before returning back to the starting position.

  • Repeat on the other side


5. Aerobic Exercise

While it might not seem obvious, regular aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, can improve neck-related symptoms. As it promotes overall cardiovascular fitness, this can have a positive impact on overall wellbeing and therefore neck pain-related headaches.


Tips For Incorporating Exercise Into A Daily Routine

Consistency is key when incorporating exercise into daily life. Finding time and motivation can be challenging, but implementing specific things can help make exercise a regular habit. If it’s hard to know where to get started, consult a physiotherapist to get the right advice.

A physiotherapist may recommend helpful tips such as creating a schedule to ensure that exercise becomes a priority in the day. Additionally, setting realistic expectations and goals is a critical component to avoid feeling overwhelmed or discouraged. Other strategies that the physiotherapist may recommend might include finding enjoyable activities to help with sticking to the exercise routine, mixing it up every now and then for variety, and tracking any progress for motivation.

As always, it's important to start any exercise gradually and listen to any signals from the body. Exercise should not cause pain or discomfort, so if these arise it’s best to discuss these with the physiotherapist to ensure the exercises are being performed correctly and to receive personalised recommendations.


Options For Neck Pain And Headache Relief

In addition to exercise, certain lifestyle changes can also help alleviate neck pain and headaches. For example, maintaining a healthy diet and staying hydrated is essential for the health of muscles, tendons, nerves, and ligaments. Sufficient quality sleep is also essential for muscle healing and restoration, especially after exercise. Poor sleep patterns or inadequate sleep can contribute to increased muscle tension and pain sensitivity.

Moreover, managing stress levels is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, as stress can manifest physically and affect overall health. Consulting a trained healthcare provider and incorporating stress management techniques can help reduce stress levels and alleviate neck pain-related headaches.


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Physiotherapy For Neck Pain And Headaches

Neck pain-related headaches can be debilitating, affecting both productivity and quality of life. However, by incorporating exercises under the guidance of physiotherapists, patients get relief and manage their symptoms effectively. Remember, exercise should be performed with proper form and technique, and any underlying conditions should be first assessed by a healthcare professional. By taking proactive steps towards relieving neck pain and headaches, patients can regain control of their health.